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T E S T & Q A
About Us

Test and QA has provided dedicated offshore QA testing teams and expertise that work hand-in-hand with our clients to deliver thoroughly tested code for both internal and commercial applications. We cultivate long-lasting relationships with each of our clients by offering domain experts who carry out a custom and comprehensive suite of engineering services.

Contact Info

[email protected]

(+987) 654 321 228 14

2 wetdene, leeds, ls17 8QT,West Yorkkshire, UK

Banking and Financial Application


Banking and Financial Application Testing

Banking and Financial Application Testing Has No Room for Errors.

You need a partner with comprehensive software engineering and QA Testing services who also has trusted, experienced engineers and low margins for error. Test and QA can help.

Challenges With Financial Software Engineering Can Be Extensive

Finance and banking applications are becoming a “must have” part of everyday life these days. From depositing checks with a cell phone camera or trading stocks in real time to planning for retirement all from the palm of your hand - the options are endless.

Financial software has thousands of dependencies making your team’s development, management and testing requirements highly complex and often resource intensive. With the continuous growth of new technology tools, shorter release cycles and stringent compliance protocols, there is no room for error.


Test and QA can provide you with financial software engineering and testing resources if your program requires

Multi-tier functionality to support thousands of concurrent user sessions
Secure, encrypted transactions
Complex business workflows
Real-time and batch processing
A high rate of transactions per seconds
Large-scale, multiple integrations such as Bill Pay utilities and Trading Accounts
Robust reporting to keep track of day to day transactions
Strong auditing capabilities to troubleshoot customer issues
Massive storage system with disaster recovery management