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T E S T & Q A
About Us

Test and QA has provided dedicated offshore QA testing teams and expertise that work hand-in-hand with our clients to deliver thoroughly tested code for both internal and commercial applications. We cultivate long-lasting relationships with each of our clients by offering domain experts who carry out a custom and comprehensive suite of engineering services.

Contact Info

[email protected]

(+987) 654 321 228 14

2 wetdene, leeds, ls17 8QT,West Yorkkshire, UK


Our Client Have Trusted Us for our work

Current and past customers who sing our praises can help others decide to work with us as well and put them on the path to higher quality and efficiency.


“Thanks to Test and QA, bugs have been reduced, test coverage has increased, and development speed has also improved. They've been using GitHub tickets to manage the project and confirm resolutions through email.“

Noah Garrison


“Thanks to the contributions of the Test and QA team, the client went from a 90% success rate with their date transformation to over 99%. The vendor established an excellent working relationship with the client and they are looked at as valued members of the team.“

Ashley Jonathon


“Test and QA has quickly found issues within four weeks of starting the project, proving their reliability. They listen attentively, meet the agreed delivery schedules, and continuously look for solutions to resolve problems.”

Bob Garrison


“Your organization has enabled me to identify priority and other issues in a manner and depth of which I would not otherwise have been capable. Some of the issues that your team has uncovered and determined how to reproduce are amazing.”

