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T E S T & Q A
About Us

Test and QA has provided dedicated offshore QA testing teams and expertise that work hand-in-hand with our clients to deliver thoroughly tested code for both internal and commercial applications. We cultivate long-lasting relationships with each of our clients by offering domain experts who carry out a custom and comprehensive suite of engineering services.

Contact Info

[email protected]

(+987) 654 321 228 14

2 wetdene, leeds, ls17 8QT,West Yorkkshire, UK

Software Testing for Startups


Software Testing for Startups

Partner with Test and QA for all of your development and QA testing needs.Startups typically find themselves with a variety of challenges when creating proprietary software.

Benefits of IT Outsourcing for Startups

Getting your product out on time
Curbing inefficient processes that waste money
Becoming more efficient in the release process
Eliminating post-release software bugs and further refining your product
Creating a formal process for startup QA testing
Extending your runway and reducing your burn rate
Helping you build a reputation for quality and reliability
Grow your business by enabling you to take on more, bigger customers