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T E S T & Q A
About Us

Test and QA has provided dedicated offshore QA testing teams and expertise that work hand-in-hand with our clients to deliver thoroughly tested code for both internal and commercial applications. We cultivate long-lasting relationships with each of our clients by offering domain experts who carry out a custom and comprehensive suite of engineering services.

Contact Info

[email protected]

(+987) 654 321 228 14

2 wetdene, leeds, ls17 8QT,West Yorkkshire, UK

Blockchain Testing


Industry Leading Blockchain Testing Services

Blockchain applications are made up of smart contracts, or sets of rules, that are carried out through programming when certain conditions are met. When Blockchain applications were originally released they were primarily supporting the financial tech and cryptocurrency markets, but their ability to store and manage data in a secure environment has quickly expanded their uses to other industries like healthcare, government and retail.

Why Is Blockchain Testing Important?

Unlike most data structures, once a smart contract is deployed to the blockchain, changes can not be made, so ensuring the efficacy of a contract is very important. It’s up to QA engineers to perform comprehensive and custom sets of tests to make sure that mistakes, which cannot be fixed, are identified and mitigated.

When a defect is discovered in production the smart contract can’t be updated or rolled back, and a new version of the smart contract must be created and deployed. These new versions have to be manually created by applying the previous data into the new contract - an endeavor costly in time and resources for business leaders.
